Serve on our Technology Team

Discover your place in our Church Technology Team, where numerous opportunities await you! We have multiple services where you can serve, and a variety of roles to suit your interests and talents – from managing audio to controlling video production. Whether you're a tech novice or an experienced pro, we offer training for all skill levels. Join us in this ministry of sharing the Gospel with those unable to attend in person, and reaching out to people far beyond our local community through special video productions. Embrace the chance to make a meaningful impact and connect with others. A training class is being formed for those interested (including Pastor Pete) with no obligation to just come and see what is involved. Indicate your interest to Pastor Pete at or by calling the church office at 803.548.4922.

One Place for Volunteer Oppturnities
Sign-Up Genius

There are many opportunities for you to serve at Pleasant Hill.  From Worship opportunities to Community Events we have many place where you can plug in.  All of our sign ups can be accessed through the Sign-Up Genius link here