Spiritual Formation This Week

Spiritual Formation:

Examiners Class Sunday School Class: A Drive Through History and the Gospels by David Stotts . Class meets in Room 2101

Treasure Seekers:  The Beatitudes.  Class meets in Room 2102

New Beginnings Sunday School Class: "Life Is Hard, God Is Good, Let's Dance" by Brant Hansen in Room 2103

Extraordinary Life Sunday School Class: "The Good Life" by Derwin Gray in Room 2104

Agape Seekers: Introduction to the New Testament in Room 2105

Young Adults in Library

Bible Study of Ruth on Tuesdays at 1:00 p.m. in the Cafe

Bible Study on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 7:00pm in Room 2101

Classes and Studies

We offer several Adult Classes on Sunday mornings at 10:00am.
Adult Classes meet in the Fellowship Hall Building of our Campus.
An usher can direct you to the various classes and where they meet!
We hope you will find one of them to your liking!

Adult Sunday School Classes

Examiners Class (20’s —40’s) meets in the Fellowship Building Room 2101
The Examiners explore basic and complex questions through discussion. They look at topics that relate to daily life—which include: marriage, parenting, Christian growth and others.

Extraordinary Life Class (40s — 60s) meets in the Fellowship Building Room 2104
This class shares in open discussion forum with a teacher leading the discussion. They look at ways that God has made a difference in their lives and how they can help each other grow.

New Beginnings (40’s—60’s) meets in the Fellowship Building Room 2103
This class is open to adults of all ages. Seeking God’s word through open discussion using the Bible and other resources

Agape Seekers Class (50’s—80’s) meets in the Fellowship Building Room 2105
This class studies the word of God and looks for ways to share His love. They also share fellowship through social gatherings, service opportunities, and other bible studies

Treasure Seekers (Women of all ages) meets in the Fellowship Building Room 2102
This class will help us to be more intentional about loving others as ourselves, even when they are nothing like us.