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The season of Lent is a time for deep reflection, repentance, and spiritual renewal. In line with our Wesleyan tradition, Lent is a 40-day journey (excluding Sundays) that prepares us for the joy of Easter. It is a time to intentionally focus on our relationship with God, acknowledging our need for grace and seeking to live more faithfully in Christ.

This year, our Lenten sermon series, Repent and Return in Troubled Times, will explore theses themes of repentance, reconciliation, and God’s steadfast love in the midst of difficult times.

Join us as we reflect on God’s call to return to God and find hope in God’s promises.

Lenten Schedule:
March 9: Until an Opportune Time
March 16: God’s Longing in the Face of Evil
March 23: We Have Everything We Need to Bear Fruit
March 30: Ambassadors of Reconciliation
April 6: Giving and Receiving

We invite you to journey with us through this season of repentance and renewal as we seek God’s presence in our lives. We look forward to growing together in faith and hope, anticipating the joy of Easter. Be sure to mark your calendars and invite a friend to join you!